About Green Slice of Life
Green Slice of Life is a sustainable and healthy lifestyle blog with educational and inspiring posts about decreasing plastic waste, reducing your impact on the environment and lowering the use of toxic chemicals.
I help moms and their families incorporate sustainable healthy living habits into their daily lives. I do this by showing good examples of sustainable habits, product reviews, sharing useful tools like printables and educating on why sustainable and healthy living is important.
A Bit About Me
My name is Lucie. I work as a Project Manager by day, and a blogger by night. Green Slice of Life is my passion project.
My educational background is in Environmental Studies, and I’m very passionate about it! I also really love my day job too, which makes blogging about my sustainable lifestyle perfect for me!
Aside from Green Slice of Life, I also have a printables shop called Twin Bees, as art and graphic design is other passions of mine.
When I’m not blogging, working or creating printables I’m a hockey/soccer mom for my two boys, or running, or relaxing with a glass of my favourite Niagara Wine.
Brand Partnership Opportunities
Green Slice of Life does work with brands that are a good fit. I offer sponsored blog posts or social media posts, product reviews and giveaways. If you are a brand in the sustainable or healthy living niche, please contact me for pricing details and a media kit!