Are you looking for low to zero waste snack ideas for school or work? My next challenge in my zero-plastic experiment is to find zero-waste snack ideas for school or work that will be simple to make and will satisfy my hunger. So, my family and I have embarked on a mission to lower ourContinue Reading
Green Tips
Update on my Plastic-Free Experiment
It’s been about 2 months since I started my plastic-free experiment, so I thought I’d give you an update on how my family and I are doing with our experiment. Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional costs to you, I will earn a commission if you click throughContinue Reading
5 Tips for an Eco-Friendly Christmas
Oh, Christmas! T’is the season for family and fun but also for overspending and creating waste and over-consuming. Here are my 5 tips for an eco-friendly Christmas. Now that I have children, I see things differently on Christmas day. Especially when I’m stuck stuffing spent wrapping paper in garbage bags, opening boxes of presents (mainlyContinue Reading
Red, Green and Blue, I have plastic markers, what should I do?
What should you do with your kids’ spent plastic markers? Throw them in the garbage? I have plastic markers, what should I do?? I love to colour and draw with my kids. They have crayons and colouring pencils, but they are especially drawn to their markers. What I don’t like about markers is that theyContinue Reading
5 Easy Swaps For A Greener Kitchen
Going green can seem a bit intimidating at first, but it doesn’t have to be if you follow my 5 easy swaps for a greener kitchen. You don’t have to go full-on zero-waste right away and you don’t have to be perfect at it either. You just need to tweak a few of your habitsContinue Reading
4 DIY Eco-Friendly Cleaners
There are many reasons why you might want to make DIY eco-friendly cleaners. It could be because you want to avoid harmful chemicals found in your typical brand from the grocery store or to avoid plastic packaging. Or, perhaps it’s to save you some money, or you just ran out of your regular stuff andContinue Reading
3 Tips For Your First Zero-Waste Shopping Trip
New to zero-waste shopping, or want to start? Great, I have 3 tips for your first zero-waste shopping trip. But first, welcome, eco-warriors and sustainability enthusiasts, to a space where conscious living takes center stage! If you’re new to our blog (and let’s be honest, we’re all new here—it’s a fresh journey for everyone!), you’veContinue Reading
My “Zero Plastic Experiment”
My Zero Plastic Experiment” is the first goal major goal I’m listing on Green Slice of Life. I started this blog as a way to keep myself accountable for my goal of living a greener life. One of my biggest goals in this new experiment is to reduce my dependence on plastic. (Skip to myContinue Reading
Get Eco-Friendly with this 1-Week Eco-challenge
You want to become more eco-friendly but you are not sure where to start? Here is a fun eco-friendly 1-week eco-challenge that will help you get started. In this challenge, you will find daily tasks that will enlighten you of the diverse aspects of environmentalism. Some of these tasks might be easy, but they’ll serveContinue Reading