For anyone trying to make a change, it can be easy to quit, even when you’re doing something that’s supposed to be good for the environment. The question is: how do you stick to your sustainable journey without quitting?
It would be so much easier if there were just one answer that worked for everyone. But the truth is, it depends on the person who’s trying to make a change. Some people need more support than others, and some people have different interests than others. Luckily, there are many options for people who want to live sustainably and need help getting started or continuing their journey. Here are 6 ways you can help yourself and the planet at the same time!
Table of Contents
Stick To Your Sustainable Journey By Setting Realistic Goals
Setting small goals isn’t the only way to stick to your sustainable journey. You can also make your goals public. The power of social media can be used for good by sharing your goals with friends, family, and colleagues before the start date so that they will be checking in on you throughout the process. Or, follow me and start a blog to help others. It’s a great way to keep yourself accountable, and make money at the same time!
Making your goals public keeps them top-of-mind among loved ones who may want nothing more than to see you succeed at achieving them and are therefore more likely to keep asking questions about how things are going regarding those goals and whether or not they’ve been met yet. Your blog/social media fans will also keep you accountable.
Grab my free sustainable planner and start setting small realistic sustainable goals today! This planner will help you stick to your sustainable journey.
Create A Routine
I wrote a great guest post for Suburban Tourists a few months past about “How To Create A Sustainable Daily Routine That Makes You Feel Good And Actually Makes A Difference“. Hop on over, and read my guest post, I”ll wait…
Welcome back…In the article, I talk about:
Tackling too many changes at once can lead to failure. Change your routine by slowly adding one or two new habits. Let your routine evolve over time by adding new sustainable practices when the old ones become routine.
Lucie palka – guest post on
If you are a planner, you might enjoy writing down your new routine. Use my printable routine planner found in my resource centre. All the resources are free to my email subscriber! Sign-up and get the password to access all the freebies.
Be organized about your journey
Imagine your life as a big, beautiful tapestry. You have plenty of time to weave together all the strands with love and care, but you can’t start until you’ve set up your loom. Are you following?
In order to get started on and stick to your sustainable journey, it’s important that you have the right tools in place. What are those tools? Well, there are many different things that will help keep you organized throughout this process:
- A calendar or planner—this is a great way to keep track of when specific tasks need to be done and how much time they require so that nothing falls through the cracks
- Lists—these can be handwritten or typed up on whatever device suits your fancy (including paper if that’s what floats your boat)
- Reminders—apps like Google Calendar include reminders built into them! If not this one specifically then definitely another one! There are tons available for free download too so don’t worry about having to spend money just yet.
Join or Create a Support Group
Create a support group. Many people who have experienced success in their sustainable journeys credit the help of a mentor. Find a mentor or peer support from someone who’s experienced and has success with sustainability. Having someone else’s constant encouragement can go a long way toward keeping you on track and motivated during those moments when staying motivated is difficult.
If you are looking for like-minded sustainable people, join my Facebook Group: Sustainable Lifestyle. Ask questions, share your success and support your peers! We’d love to have you there!
As you can see, there are many ways to stick with your sustainable journey. If you want to be successful in sticking with it all the way through, consider starting a support group or joining one online. When you get stuck on something, don’t worry as long as it’s not too hard of a problem! You’ll find solutions if they exist and will also learn along the way how to solve them in future cases where they might come up again.
If you are looking for a Sustainable Living Planner with more options, feel free to check out my newest addition to my Printables Shop.
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